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3. kapitel: krieg in europa
4. kapitel: frankreich
5. kapitel: nach sai gon
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denkmaschine fredy k

nationalism and communism in cambodia, laos, and vietnam. indiana university press. .....

auszug aus dem klappentext: since the united states "discovered" vietnam in the 1960s and subsequently left that tortured land in defeat, hundreds of books and films have been written or produced as we struggle to come to understanding of what we did and who we fought. only now, in the new millenium, are we beginning to approach some sort of closure. (...)
dommen details the crucial episodes in the colonization of indochina by the french and the indigenous reaction to it. thestruggle for national souvereignity reached an acute state at the end of world war II, when independant governments rapidly assumed power in vietnam and cambodia. when the french returned, the struggle became one of open warfare, with nationalists and communists gripped in a contest for ascendancy in vietnam, while the rulers of cambodia and laos sought to obtain independance by negotiation.
the withdrawal of the french after their defeat at dien bien phu brought the indochinese face to face, whether as friends or as enemies, with the americans.

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